Scientific name: Myxarium nucleatum Wallr.
Derivation of name: Nuclea- means "a little nut" or the
"nucleus" in reference to the granules within the flesh of the
Synonyms: Exidia nucleata (Schwein.) Burt
Common name(s): Granular jelly roll, crystal brain.
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Order: Auriculariales
Family: Hyaloriaceae
Occurrence on wood substrate: Saprobic; rubbery-
gelatinous, brain-like to
irregular masses on decaying
deciduous wood; July
Dimensions: Individual fruit bodies are 0.6-2 cm wide
and up
to 1.5 cm high. Extensive masses of fused
fruitbodies may be
10 cm or more long.
Description: Initially colorless or whitish, becoming pinkish-
to reddish-brown or vinaceous-brown. Most distinctive is
the presence of small, hard, white "seed-like" granules or
up to 0.5 mm in diameter within the flesh of the fruit
Comments: This organism is
reported to be fairly
but I have yet to personally see it at a local foray
or at a
NEMF or NAMA foray.
Figure 1. Myxarium nucleatum on wood. Photo © John
Plischke III.

Figure 2. Another group of specimens. Note the white
granules within the fruitbodies.
Photo © John Plischke III.

Figure 3. The white granules or "nuclei" are hard, seed-like
structures within the gelatinous flesh of Myxarium
Other jelly fungi in our area do not have such
Photo © John Plischke III.